Hello all and welcome to my profile.
Robbie and I set up AIMS.Guide in 2020. We had discussed the idea before this but it wasn’t until COVID-19 suspended our studies that the concept really developed. Just a few weeks later, AIMS.Guide had this snazzy website and a team of (very kind) people helping us along the way. I say snazzy – of course – because here I’m responsible for all-things-tech. From developing the online tools offered on this website to boring the team with my “fun” memes that only a techie could understand – it’s all me. So, hello!
Currently, I’m intercalating at the University of Nottingham. (If you don’t know what that is, read Explaining The Jargon Of Medicine Courses.) Once that’s done, I’ll return to Newcastle University to finish my medicine degree. Just one more year to go!
Most of my medical interests relate to the brain; I like neurology and psychiatry (so… neuropsychiatry?) But I also find the likes of oncology and paediatrics very rewarding. Join these with my interest in programming/computers and I’ve no idea what job there is for me. I guess we’ll just have to see.
Finally, I would like to just reassure any aspiring medic that’s reading this: you are good enough to study medicine. This was something that almost stopped me from applying. “I’m not smart enough. I’m a kid from a council estate. Other people will have been gearing for this from day one.” These thoughts slowly evolved into talking myself out of it; it wasn’t worth the risk.
But, here I am. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning “how to doctor” and I hope I can make this privilege accessible to more applicants like me.
– Reece
Co-founder, AIMS.Guide