

Imposter Syndrome in Medical School   

Imposter Syndrome in Medical School  

Image credits: an in-game character from Among Us, provided by PixelBay Imposter syndrome describes high-achieving individuals who, despite their objective successes, fail to internalise their accomplishments and have persistent self-doubt and fear of being exposed as a fraud or impostor….

Applying to medicine from South Shields – This will be fun…

Applying to medicine from South Shields – This will be fun…

Am I the right person to apply? Like a lot of disadvantaged students, I never thought I would (or could) be a doctor. My parents weren’t doctors, I didn’t go to a well-off school with a careers team (I was…

Medicine as a mature student – finishing my degree at 31.

Medicine as a mature student – finishing my degree at 31.

David Williams talks about his experiences in medicine as a mature student, and returning to study after several years working.