

Dinner for Three: Reflections From My Medical School Rotation

Dinner for Three: Reflections From My Medical School Rotation

I stand, waiting to enter a mental health ward. All doors are locked, there are tall fences lining the perimeter, and the cord of my personal safety alarm […]

The Clichés of Cancer: Reflections From My Medical School Rotation

The Clichés of Cancer: Reflections From My Medical School Rotation

Reece talks about his experiences in a breast cancer clinic and what it’s like to witness the diagnosis of cancer

My experience of a Student Selected Component (SSC)

My experience of a Student Selected Component (SSC)

In this blog, Olivia talks about her experiences of an SSC at Newcastle University.

My Life During Pre-Clinical Medicine

My Life During Pre-Clinical Medicine

Rory writes about his own experiences of the pre-clinical years in medicine, and what advice he’d give to those starting off their degree.

How being a Healthcare Assistant helped me

How being a Healthcare Assistant helped me

Being a Healthcare Assistant is a rewarding job that will give you experience and boost your medical application. Find out more here.